


爱好写shader、计算机图形学、写博客;经常在Shadertoy上学习和分享shader;之前一直在CSDN上分享技术博客。个人编写的技术书籍《Unity Shader入门精要》(异步社区亚马逊京东当当)于2016年由人民邮电出版社出版发售。


联系方式:lelefeng1992 # gmail DOT com

Hi, my name is Lele Feng. I received my master degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017, working at Digital ART Lab advised by Xubo Yang. I received my bachelor degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2014. My research interest is computer graphics, including modeling, rendering, and augmented reality (AR). Currently I am working in miHoYo game company since 2017.

I like sharing shaders in Shadertoy and writing blogs on CSDN. In 2015, I wrote a book naming Essentials of Learning Unity Shader (Epubit, Amazon, JD, Dangdang), published by the People’s Posts and Telecommunications Press in 2016.

For more about my publications and projects, please visit my Portfolio.

Contact me:lelefeng1992 # gmail DOT com